Support - Sponsorship

Your role is waiting…

We know that prosperous, healthy and happy cities all over the world have vibrant, thriving, creative communities. Successful cities all use the arts as a powerful community building tool. Building community in this way is what Langham Court Theatre is all about and you can play an important part in making this happen!

About Langham Court Theatre

The Victoria Theatre Guild, which owns Langham Court Theatre, has been producing engaging and high quality community theatre since 1929 – over 27,000 volunteers have presented nearly 3,000 performances using over 4,000 actors in more than 500 shows to 250,000 patrons.

Thanks to the current complement of members, audience support and experienced staff, the Victoria Theatre Guild & Dramatic School continues to be one of Western Canada’s community theatre success stories.

Read more about Langham Court Theatre »

Our Audience

Sponsorship - Our Audience

Our audience is comprised of arts lovers, who tend to be highly engaged in their community. They support not only Langham Court Theatre, but also other community groups and performing arts organizations. Coming from all over Greater Victoria, our audience members are loyal, with many attending regularly for more than 5 seasons. They are strong advocates of our theatre and its members.

Our largest audience segment is aged 45 plus, skewed female. Typical to their generation, they are brand loyal and recognize the contributions that companies make to the community, thus having a tendency to favour those they see as providing community support.

Sponsorship Benefits

  • Attract new customers
  • Connect with our audience
  • Build brand loyalty and recognition as an investor in the arts
  • Actively enrich the Victoria community with live theatre
  • Demonstrate community commitment and philanthropic presence
  • Fuel our growth impact in Victoria

Sponsorship - Vibrant Victoria

Sponsorship Opportunities

All Sponsorship Packages include:

  • Invitation to attend an opening night performance
  • Sponsorship contract and invoice with flexible payment options
  • Sponsor timeline and deliverable checklist
  • Final approval on materials bearing your company logo
  • Customized sponsorship fulfillment report

Season Presenting Sponsor $15,000

As the season presenting sponsor, your company will be recognized in all 2016/2017 season advertising and promotions. Your company becomes a valued partner of Langham Court Theatre and your company name becomes synonymous with Langham Court Theatre’s 88th Season.

  • PRESENTED BY (logo) recognition on season brochure cover
  • Eight (8) tickets to each production in the season (48 tickets total)
  • Full page advertisement in season brochure (5000 copies)
  • Full page advertisement in all six production programs
  • PRESENTED by (logo) on all 6 production program covers
  • Logo on sponsorship recognition page of all 6 production programs
  • Verbal recognition at all 96 performances
  • PRESENTED BY recognition in all print advertising, signage, website
  • Opportunity to host private reception in theatre lounge
  • Opportunity for activation at one performance of each production
  • Opportunity to purchase additional tickets at a discount

Production Sponsor $5,000

As one of six (6) production sponsors, your company will be recognized in all advertising and promotions related to your sponsored production and its 16 performances.

  • Production Sponsor designation and recognition
  • Eight (8) tickets to the sponsored production
  • Half page advertisement in sponsored production program
  • Logo recognition in sponsored production advertising
  • Signage in lobby during sponsored production
  • Verbal recognition at all 16 performances of sponsored production
  • Opportunity to host private reception during sponsored production
  • Opportunity for activation at one performance of sponsored production • Opportunity to purchase additional tickets at a discount

Performance Sponsor $500

As a performance sponsor, you will receive logo and verbal recognition for your support and four tickets to your sponsored play.

  • Performance Sponsor designation
  • Four (4) tickets to sponsored performance
  • Logo recognition at sponsored performance
  • Verbal recognition at sponsored performance
  • Opportunity to host private reception during sponsored performance
  • Opportunity for activation at sponsored performance
  • Opportunity to purchase additional tickets at a discount

In-Kind Sponsor

Your company can also participate by offsetting some of our annual operating costs and building improvements through in-kind sponsorship. These opportunities include, but are not limited to:

  • Lighting Partner
  • Building Materials Partner
  • Concession Partner
  • Exclusive Beverage Supplier
  • Fabric/Costume Supply Partner

Recognition and sponsorship benefits will be negotiated based on the value of the in-kind contribution, but may include:

  • Logo recognition in our lobby and/or lounge
  • Verbal recognition at performances for which materials are supplied
  • Tickets or passes within sponsored season or production

Now the stage is set and awaiting you to play your part and join us in building a vibrant, thriving, creative community. Let’s do this together!

Contact our General Manager