2025 Business Hours

Tuesday CLOSED
Wednesday 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Friday 1:00 pm- 5:00 pm
Saturday 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
CLOSED on STAT HOLIDAYS (check back for updates)
PHONE: 250.384.2025 ( DURING OPEN HOURS)
Email: costumeloft@langhamtheatre.ca
Instagram: @lccostumeloft
FB: @langhamcourtcostumes
NOTE: We will only respond to messages during loft hours.
Public Rentals
- Rentals are for two weeks, this way you have time to clean before return.
- Prices are per piece and depends on the type of garment chosen. Our rental fees do not include cleaning.
- Unless otherwise indicated by staff, you must clean all items before they are returned. If an item is machine washable we ask that it be washed with cold water on the delicate cycle and hung to dry.
- If you pick a dry cleanable item, you are responsible for having it cleaned before returning it.
- When returning please provide the name of the person that rented the costume. Please do not drop of items outside our door.
Stage or Film Rentals
- Rentals are typically for the length of your production or filming cycle.
- Prices are per piece and depends on the type of garments chosen. Our rental fees do not include cleaning.
- We encourage designers to bring their actors in for fittings when possible. Since the loft is small and only has 2 dressing rooms, please limit the number of participants.
- The loft does offer the opportunity to borrow costumes for fittings on approval. The standard length for theatre companies is 1 week and for film 48 hours. The length of time is up to the discretion of the loft manager.
- Unless otherwise indicated by staff, you must clean all items before they are returned.
Donations are accepted at anytime during loft hours. We are currently welcoming donations of clothing – vintage (pre-2000) or select contemporary items deemed useful for Langham’s collection, costumes, accessories and jewelry. Examples – clothing for women and men (vintage, historical, ‘labels’), furs, hats, bags, shoes, stage clothing. Clothing items must be clean, with no musty or moth ball odour. Clothing that is not useful for the Costume Loft is sold in our annual sale, with proceeds going to Langham Court Theatre.
Note: For Props or Furniture donations please contact props@langhamtheatre.ca
We are located in the theatre at 805 Langham Court – see the Location page for details.
The entrance to the Costume Loft is around the left side of the building to the very back, past the lounge doors, and up a flight of stairs. There is another stairway inside the Loft. For accessibility questions please email us.
- Visitors to the Loft may park in the theatre parking lot.
- Please note: PARKING LOT IS NOT AVAILABLE for Loft parking on Saturdays after 12:00 pm when Langham Court shows are running. Please use non-residential street parking
- Visitors to the Loft may park in the theatre parking lot.