Langham Court Theatre Presents

Woman silhouette with Silent Sky written on it

January 25 – February 11, 2023
Silent Sky

A Drama by Lauren Gunderson
Directed by Zelda Dean

How can we measure our lives against the beauty of the universe?

Henrietta Leavitt was a woman ahead of her time – an amateur astronomer who transcended her post as a Harvard clerk to make significant observations on the universe and change astronomy forever.


SPECIAL EVENT: Following the February 5th matinee performance, Dr. Sara Ellison, renowned Astronomy Professor at the University of Victoria and former President of the Canadian Astronomical Society, will present A Brief History of Galaxies. Dr. Ellison’s presentation will be approximately 30 minutes long and will be followed by a question-and-answer period. In 2004 Dr. Ellison received the American Astronomical Society’s, Annie Jump Cannon Award, named for the character in Silent Sky. Dr. Ellison and Dr. James Hesser are Astronomy Advisors for Silent Sky and have been invaluable resources in bringing greater insight and realism to the production.

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