“I can resist anything but temptation,” proclaims one of the glittering social butterflies portrayed so vividly in Oscar Wilde’s incomparably witty comedy classic. Comic misunderstandings, hidden identities, fluttering fans, whispered gossip and a touching reconciliation are sure to please audiences of all ages.
Lady Windermere-Morgan Ambrose
Lord Windermere-Adam Holroyd
Mrs. Erlynne-Wendy Magahay
Duchess of Berwick-Elizabeth Whitmarsh
Lord Darlington-Michael Romano
Lord Augustus-Carter MacDonald
Cecil Graham-Alasdair Howie
Dumby-Mitch Barnes
Lady Plymdale-Jo Barnes
Hopper-Jared Gowen
Lady Agatha-Brighde Penn
Lady Jedburgh-Barbara Pittam
Lady Stutfield-Connie Danniels
Mrs. Cowper-Cowper-Pearl Arden
Parker-Charlie Baird
Rosalie-Ellen Law
Photography by David Lowes / Art Studio 21 Photography