What do sunflowers, comfortable settees and tea cakes have in common? The Calendar Girls! A group of ordinary women do something extraordinary and spark a global phenomenon when they persuade one another to pose for a charity calendar with a difference! Based on an inspiring true story, Calendar Girls is quirky, poignant and hilarious.
Vicky Etchells as Chris
Tracey Roath as Annie
Leslie Sanchez as Cora
Elizabeth Whitmarsh as Jessie
Wendy Magahay as Celia
Joy Farrell as Ruth
Rosemary Jeffery as Marie
Randi Edmundson as Lady Cravenshire & Elaine
Wendy London as Brenda
Drew Waveryn as John & Liam
Morgan Cranny as Rod
Henry Skey as Lawrence
Photography by David Lowes / Art Studio 21 Photography