News Blog

Art Shows

Dee Storey & Jeani Reynolds
Feb 27 – Mar 16, 2019
Opening Sun, Mar 3, 2019

The work of Dee Storey and Jeani Reynolds will be on display in the Theatre Lounge during the run of That Elusive Spark. The pieces will be available for viewing and purchase pre-show, during intermission or post-show during the show run and during Box Office hours.

Opening Reception
Sunday, March 3, 1–3 pm

Dee Storey

Some of you might recognize Dee from her many years at Langham working with costumes and props. Originally learning to weld sculptures, Dee turned to welding jewellery instead. She primarily works in sterling silver and copper, adding in beautiful semi-precious stones. As a fibre artist, Dee uses small sections from large images of semi-precious rocks and minerals for her unique needle felting. This show is a combination of her love of trees and stones and pretty sparkly things.

Jeani Reynolds

For years Jeani tried to rein in her rushed and loose style of painting with little success, feeling that she was too unconventional. She’s excited to say she now allows herself the freedom to just have fun in front of a canvas. She plans her image and then lets the colours and paint fly in a mad whirl of energy, often using both hands to paint at the same time. Once the painting dries, she uses negative space, torn paper and glue to quiet the image to a place that feels right for her. This show has come from her interest in the visual seduction of horses, roses and women.She is grateful for all the years of selfless mentoring, advice, knowledge and support through staff, members and volunteers this wonderful community theatre has shared with her. Thank you Langham!

Jeani was given the honour of becoming a Life Member of Langham Court Theatre in 2018.

2019 Sticks and Stones Art Show