Costume Loft Open: Our costume loft is open for business!

News Blog


COVID Safety Site Plan

September 4, 2020
Outlined below are the steps we’ve taken or will take to reduce the risk of exposure and transmission within this facility.

Major reduction in number of people present:
– We’ve cancelled the shows we would have produced in our upcoming season. By itself, this greatly reduces the number of people present at the theatre both in terms of those producing the show and audience members.
– Online meetings are the default, with in-person meetings kept below 10 people in rooms that allow sufficient spacing.
– Access to the building is limited to staff, or requires direct staff supervision. In this meaning, “staff” refers to the head of a specific department that continues between shows (props coordinator, head scenic carpenter). In this system, the lead on a rental will be considered “staff” for the purposes of outlining responsibilities.
– Costume rentals have been temporarily suspended.

Staff are being physically distant:
– Staff workplaces are separated or allow sufficient distancing.
– Occupancy limits are posted on entrances of all rooms.
– When staff are working alone they are expected to check-in and check-out by text with someone else.
– Hallways are directional with people moving in that direction having right-of-way. The direction will be marked on the floor.

Cleaning and hygiene:
– Staff will keep a log of when and where they are in the building so that cleaning can be focused in those areas. These logs exist at the lobby, stage door, and Costume Loft door. It is expected that staff sign out using the same log as signing in.
– Frequent cleaning is focused on high touch surfaces such as door handles, light switches, and washroom fixtures.
– Costumes being returned or donated are quarantined before processing.
– COVID cleaning materials are kept separate from other cleaning materials.

– Groups coming into the space will be organized so that they are separated temporally (time is given between the end of one group and the beginning of the next) or spatially (groups are partitioned in the theatre).
– Outside rental contract clearly outlines expectations regarding Covid-19 safety procedures and theatre policies. Renters are expected to limit the number of people on site to essential only. This may be facilitated by having members of the rental have staggered start or end times.

Performances and Audience Expectations:
– Audience will be given the following expectations as part of their ticket confirmation:
– A mask is expected to be worn at all times while inside the building. If the patron doesn’t bring a mask, one will be provided.
– Before entering the building, patrons will be asked about exposure and symptoms by the Front of House (FOH) manager and an assistant who will be positioned in front of the building at an FOH station.
– From this FOH station, patrons will then be directed to their designated entrance.
– Seats will be spaced out to allow sufficient distance (6 feet) between patrons. Small groups may be sat together, with discretion.
– The total number of people in the audience will not exceed 50 people.
– Directors should avoid putting actors too far downstage. If directors wish to have actors in the audience, the spacing of the audience will be adjusted to maintain sufficient distance to the actors.
– The concession will be closed until a plan to safely re-open can be implemented.
– The number of people in any washroom is limited to the number of sinks in that washroom.
– A line-up for washrooms will be clearly defined and an usher will help control the flow of patrons.
– A new ticketing system is being researched. For the time being, ticket confirmations will be sufficient for entry. Booking a ticket using the digital booking system may use contact information for contact tracing. Performances that do not use our ticketing system are required to take contact information for their patrons (first name, last name, date, phone number).