Fundraiser to Refurbish the Lounge in honour of Vinnie Chadwick

Vinnie Chadwick
Langham Court Theatre is holding a fundraiser to upgrade the lounge furniture and name the lounge in honour of former longtime Life Member, dedicated volunteer and hostess extraordinaire Vinnie Chadwick.
If you have recently sat on the current furniture and noticed how far you sink into the cushions, you will be thrilled to hear that Gloria Di Loia and her husband Ian Bidgood, who are new members and longtime patrons, have generously offered to donate $2,000 to the refurbishing of the lounge. Gloria and Ian have also taken the initiative to research the cost of suitable, stylish, and affordable couches, chairs, and side tables. The total for all furnishings would be $6,000. Thank you, Gloria and Ian, for taking on this much needed project!
To complete this vision, we will need to raise another $4,000. That would be 40 people donating $100 or 80 people donating $50. Or any combination. How simple is that!
If you would like to have the Langham Lounge be a more comfortable, welcoming, and attractive area of our theatre, please send donations to or drop off or mail cheques to the Langham box office. Charitable receipts will be provided for donations over $20.
Thank you for your support!