
The Board of Directors has decided to cancel the 2021-2022 season as of December 29, 2021. See the official announcement for more information.

Until the Flood at Langham Court Theatre

Oct 20, 2021 – Nov 7, 2021
Until the Flood

A Drama by Dael Orlandersmith
Directed by Tony Cain, with Assistant Director Rosemary Jeffery

This is a compassionate and provocative play written in response to the 2014 shooting death of a young black man Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, by a white police officer. It is the culmination of numerous interviews conducted in the St. Louis area by the playwright in the aftermath of the shooting. The characters are composites of the actual citizens interviewed, reflecting diverse perspectives, and the play illuminates the impact that a single tragic event can have on an individual and the broader community.