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Kids & Youth

LET’S CREATE A PLAY Summer Theatre Camp July 18-29, 2016


Summer Theatre Camp 2016, for ages 8-11 and 12-16

Langham Court Theatre’s Let’s Create A Play Summer Theatre Camp, facilitated by Tumbleweeds Theatre, brings a theatre camp experience to Victoria like none other this summer for two weeks, July 18th-29th.  Our exciting new theatre production program is an outstanding and fun summer opportunity for young people interested in a theatre experience. During your time here at Langham Court, you will experience a complete immersion in acting, production and life in a working theatre.

2 weeks to hone your craft *Acting, movement and vocal production*Design and build your sets, your costumes, your lights*Run the front of house and learn about stage management*Have fun and create memories to last a lifetime. 2 weeks inside a working theatre to call home*A wonderful opportunity to work inside the historic Langham Court Theatre, full of creativity and exploration, and best of all…. YOU are the directors, writers, performers. 2 weeks to create an original production.

*Our original show will be performed on the Langham Court Theatre stage on July 29th.  2 streams to choose from:Stream 1:8-11 years of age July 18-29     10:00am-12:30pm, Monday-Friday $250.00 Stream 212-16 years of age July 18-29    10:00am-3:00pm, Monday – Friday$350.00 (Langham Court and Tumbleweeds Members are $300.00) Registration through Langham Court Theatre: Phone:(250) 384-2142

Registration is limited to 24 so call now!

Directors: Kimberly Denness-Thomas, Kathleen O’Reilly, Marika Albert, Bruno Jayme, with guest artists and mentors in specialty fields.

To create a play with our community’s youth, teaching them the basics of the crafts of the stage, while welcoming experienced guild members to share their skills, fostering a relationship between youth in our community and the guild membership. The final play to be performed at 12:00pm, Friday July 29, 2016

Our goals are:

CREATE an exciting, theatrical experience that will educate and inspire young performers led by experienced professionals

FOSTER  an appreciation for the diverse crafts of the stage working inside a historical theatre through hands on experience both on and off the stage

ENCOURAGE youth voices to find their place in our theatrical community alongside seasoned professionals, learning from each other and building an extraordinary community of passionate artists that will take us into the next generation.