“Drink up, we’re in for a bumpy night!” Meet Bernard. Bernard loves women – particularly airline stewardesses. In fact, he’s engaged to three of them: Gretchen, Gabriella, and Gloria. He makes his unique situation work thanks to the precision timing of modern flight schedules. But his plan soon hits a little turbulence… “Boeing Boeing is the very opposite of what you might expect. It’s not smutty at all. It’s deliciously, deliriously innocent!” – The New York Times
Tea Siskin as Gloria
Kathy Macovichuk as Berthe
Keeley Teuber as Gabriella
Hayley McCurdy as Gretchen
Jeff Olyarnyk as Bernard
Perry Burton as Robert
Director & Set Designer: Toshik Bukowiecki
Producer: Nick Stull
Stage Manager: Jon Scheer
Assistant Stage Manager: Leigh Robinson
Costume Designer: Sue McCaskill
Set Decor: Jean de Cartier & Ann Harris
Properties: Drew Waveryn & Michael Ledger
Lighting Designers: Karrie Ayotte & Paul Hilton
Sound Designer: Jason King
Photography by David Lowes / Art Studio 21 Photography